Equipment solutions since 1989

Mikan Scientific Inc’s Mission

At Mikan Scientific Inc, our mission is to be the leading provider of industry leading products and supplies to our customers.

We strive to meet the diverse and evolving needs of our clients by offering a comprehensive selection of products at competitive prices.

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and expert technical support to ensure that our clients have the equipment they need to succeed.

We are committed to fostering long-term relationships by building trust and understanding with our clients, and continuously improving our products, services and processes to deliver excellence.

  • We believe that there is truly a solution to everything. No matter how custom your request, we’ll find a way to source the equipment you need.

  • From PPE to laboratory essentials, we provide anything and everything to get your lab running efficiently.

  • We believe in providing the knowledge and safe practice that comes with every piece of equipment we supply.


We’re the new industry standard.

We deliver the highest quality products to our customers with personalized customer support and service.

Our ever expanding network.

Since 1989 we’ve been passionate about expanding our business and creating new solutions for our clients.

Frequently Asked

  • Our office is located at 1173 Topsail Road, Mount Pearl.

  • Our team is most responsive over email — you can send us a message via or fill out the form on our website and we’ll contact you asap!

  • We treat every request as a custom order. That way you get a full service experience and we’re able to source the exact piece of equipment you need.

Connect with our team.